Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I know I've talked about it a lot, but I'm obsessed with the way the clouds hang over the mountains. It's like no matter what they do, they're unable to separate from one another.

In the morning, I am always excited to say hello to the cloudy mountains. When I catch a glimpse of them as I'm walking to/from school, they make me incredibly happy.

Oaxaca has quickly become "home." It's weird, I think, how one can adapt to some places so quickly - and others not at all. I enjoy passing all the same people on the street every day. I feel like I know my neighborhood [and people in it]. I know where things are, and I can even give directions.


Today, there was a lot of waving at people that I know (or recognize). But that's just an aside. Let's have a run through of the day:

Breakfast was devoured with a vengeance. I was starving this morning.
Promptly after finishing breakfast, I went to school - where I decided I'd brush my teeth. (Usually, I do this at home. Today, I decided school was better....for no reason).
At 9 AM, class started. Marc and I were a "pareja" (pair) and we had a good time trying to come up with off-the-cuff examples of things Rapunzel from Tangled had never done.

Nunca habia sentido el viento.
Nunca habia jugado en la agua.
Nunca habia viste un mariposea.

Yeah. Like that.

Lunch came around at 1, but I don't get to eat until between 1:30 - 2:00 I scarfed down my 4 course meal. Yep. 4 courses. Soup, vegetables, the-most-delicious-mole-on-the-earth, fruit.

I'm not kidding. Martita is the best cook on earth. I'm never going to be able to eat mole anywhere else because she makes the very best mole on the planet. I made sure to tell her this. She appreciated the compliment.

At 2:00, I had my mask making class (for El Dia de Los Muertos). Today, we basically worked on our masks for 10 minutes, and chatted the rest of the time ---- while the masks dried. Mine is going to have a serpent on it!!!

After mask making was intercambio. My intercambio is called Dulce, and she's nice. Intercambio basically means she wants to learn English and I'm learning Spanish. We help each other with ideas, words, grammar, whatever. Sometimes, we just chat about random stuff.

Like machinery.

After intercambio, Francis and I met up with Billy and Thora (Dora)? at Cafe Brujula for some studying. I got a fruit smoothie (without milk, of course) which was perfect for a study snack! After a few hours of funny conversation and studying, Francis and I went to pick up our laundry from the laundry place (they do it for you, here). Then we went to our homes.

I spent a lot of time today just being appreciative - and enjoying the things I just seem to naturally enjoy. For example, when you cross the street here...sometimes you don't make it all the way across and you have to wait on a divider.

I love being stuck on the divider.

I appreciated the clouds on the mountains, the cuitones of a demonstration. I appreciated today what it means to be human. I think we're always so focused on being other things - a student, a parent, a spouse, a ....whatever.


Before anything, I am human. And it's not often that I feel totally comfortable with being just that. But that is what I am. That is the beauty of being me - of us being us! That we feel and smell and hear and taste the world around us.

That's the way life is supposed to be.
You know.

And remind me on of these days to actually try to put Alcala and the Zocalo into words. I feel like I should at least give it a go. 

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