Sunday, July 25, 2010

Planet Hansen?


If you ever walk into the Ron Hansen household, you may feel like you've left Earth and landed on some extra-terrestrial abnormality that just so happened to be in the shape of a house.

That sounds fun, right? =)

Well, maybe it is. Sometimes. But sometimes... not so much. For instance, the other day Precious was up really late. She kept asking me "Am I pregnant? My stomach hurts all the time, am I pregnant? Am I going to die tonight?" -- .uhg.

So I said, "No, Precious. You aren't pregnant. You can't be pregnant."
Her reply: (crying) "I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant. My stomach hurts so I'm pregnant."
Me: (finally losing it) "Precious, you have to have SEX to be pregnant. Are you having SEX, Precious?"
Her: "with boys?"

... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Other fun things have occurred at the house over the last few days as well.

Shannan came yelling into the house, plopped down on a chair and exclaimed to us all, "Ali's babysitter is a schmuck!"
Hilarious! She is only 8.

Other fun occurrences that have... well... occurred including Precious pouring milk on the top level on the fridge and trying to blame it on someone else (who is invisible, I might add), Precious making egg and tuna stew and Precious shouting at the top of her lungs while we all try to do yoga.

Oh yeah, let's not forget about Popsicle, the fish. Precious hasn't fed him in a few days, and she kept saying she had. Turns out, she just poured a lot of food at the top. When I explained to her that fish aren't like dogs - you have to feed them on a schedule, a tiny amount, once a day - she just shrugged and said, "Jennifer said if it died it's ok anyway so I don't care." 0_o

Also, the air conditioner broke and it was 94 degrees in the house. Oh yeah - and there was a power outage! 0_0

This is a crazy place.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Try, try again.

Recently, I've been trying much harder to be what I think an adult should be.
Well Informed.
Doesn't hold a grudge.
As easy as it sounds to just "be" adult... it's not. I find that I have thin skin. Too thin to handle being a real adult. I feel (because I am) easily offended. I hold a mean grudge when I do hold a grudge (which isn't very often, but I do have one or two). I can be biting, mouthy, stubborn. None of these are adult qualities.

I feel hyper-emotional. Adults can't be hyper emotional. That's only for teenage girls.

I guess one thing I am is honest. I am here, after all, airing my flaws on the inter-web.

So what do I do about it? I almost feel like my ideal self would be un-moved. Have something mean to say? Doesn't matter, I can't feel. Going to do something you know is going to hurt my feelings? Whatever. See if I care.

Unfortunately - that's not me. I over analyze. I cry. I demand things. I even sometimes want to have control over a situation (also, not so often). I'm picky. I have a lot of questions. I'm not very patient. I hate being ignored. I sometimes even set myself up to be let down!

Doesn't sound like an adult, does it?
All I am is a mess! A young mess.