I've been in a strange place recently.... and I can't say I've been enjoying it.
I feel like the term "growing pains" has taken on a whole new meaning.
For the first time, primarily because of Jamie's passing, I've taken a step back and started seriously evaluating the things that I want for my life and for my future. To be honest, I hate doing things like this... and while it was going to have to happen sooner or later, I wish it had been later. Not only because of the circumstances that have caused me to re-evaluate myself and my decisions, but... I don't exactly feel like I'm ready for all the changes that are about to/ are occurring in my life.
A lot of what has been going on has caused me to micro analyze my interactions with other people. How does this make me feel? Why does it make me feel this way? Is this healthy: yes or no? What would I have done two months ago in this situation, and what am I going to to do now?
Believe it or not I spend a lot of my time mulling over how my words and actions will affect others and the way they feel. I want the people I care about to know that I care about them - and I always want to let them know. I never want to hurt them, I want them to know everything I'm doing - I want to tell them about my day to day events. I want to let them know what I'm doing tomorrow, next week, next month! I want to let them in on every boring and mundane and lousy facet of my life.
The flip side, and this may be unreasonable, is that I expect the same from other people. The worst part is that (in general) the people who claim to care the most don't do those things for me. It could be because they just don't think about it - sure. But in my disturbed little brain it's because they don't trust me. Or that they're intentionally trying to hurt me. Or because they want to force a reaction out of me.
It makes me uncomfortable. I know where these reactions stem from... I do. And a large part of me wishes I just didn't give a damn about the people around me. But I do. I care, maybe a little too much. I've always been a victim of my own standards for people. I set the bar incredibly high, but only as high as I'm capable of 'performing' or whatever. Sure. That sounds like I'm tooting my own horn or whatever as some incredible friend or something - but ... I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I put 100 percent of me and my effort into any type of relationship, I fully expect the same from other people. If I put in 30 percent, then I expect that I'll receive 30 percent from someone else, etc.
My struggle is ... maybe someone is giving 100%. But that's just not good enough for me. Is that grounds to walk away? Or are they not really giving 100%? I can't assume they are, because I know what 100% looks like. Or... at least...my definition.
Or maybe they perceive my 100% to be less than their 100%?
all in all.... this is just one of the many weird things running through my head.
the worst part is, people (if people read this at all) will think "is she talking about me?" then they will take it how they choose. and people almost are always on the defense.
So here: no. this is not about any particular person. This is a general concern. This is me trying to work through who I am in this little text box. If you feel the same way ever, that would be so great to know... because then I'll know I'm not alone! And if I'm crazy, tell me... and help me figure out a way to work through it. Do I think too much? Should I start just going with feelings only? Help me out.
Arugh, I posted on the wrong message, my comment for "in between" is on your lower post. gee i'm not good at this
tamie j hansen said...
Nik, you are so loved by so many people. NO one reads MY blog :) I've only done it to vent to the great universe. You are at a time where there seems to be a fork in the road and you can't even decipher which is the one less traveled etc... Seriously, do what you feel is right, it probably is, if it turns out not to be you'll just have a few more choices and experience to draw upon. Breathe :)
If something is not clear to you, it's a stupor of though, so pray make a decision and if it feels good go for it. You're an excellent student (or so i'm told), you've left the comfort of being close to home (wise choice), you have what it takes so ... that is what I see in you. Not that you e-mail me much mind you ;). I love you and can't wait to see you soon. Love ya! Auntie T
March 10, 2010 8:28 AM
I say....this is the mom :) and I am not just saying this cuz I am your mother...you are going through a life experience that will ( after it's done) show that it's strengthened you, your relationships with people, helped you grow...it's just not easy. It never is....but you have a lot of people who love you who know how awesome you are and know that in the end you will be okay....you're smart, beautiful, funny, interesting, talented....so many great qualities that shine when you are around. I love you Nik!
Growing pains is the perfect name for it. they hurt and it's really uncomfortable. they're awkward (ever only get it in ONE leg??) you're a beautiful sunflower, you've just gotta grow out of your seed, and up through the dirt and the roots and the grass and then you'll bloom. :)
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