Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wonder Pet

Rosa, Iggy, and me cuddling on the couch.
Rosa, Iggy, y yo estamos apapachando! 

Rosa cooking her own breakfast.
Rosa cocina su propia comida

I'm tired, so I want to keep this post brief, especially because I really suck at Spanish when I'm tired and I'm blogging in both languages.
I mean, I kind of suck at it all the time, but that's beside the point.

Estoy cansada por lo tanto quiero que sea breve, especialmente porque tengo que escribir en español y tengo problemas pensar en español si mi cerebro esta durmiendo...
Bueno, nunca escribo/hablo español muy bien, pero no es el tema de mi blog

We've officially had Rosa here for just over a week. It's amazing to see how much she's blossomed in such a short amount of time. For the first 3 days, she was terrified to leave her kennel. Now, she's out and about, running around, throwing her toys...she'd almost have you fooled into thinking she spent her whole life in this house.

Hemos tenido Rosa aquí casi 10 días. Esta perrita ha crecido mucho en un poco de tiempo. Durante los primeros 3 día, Rosita estaba muy preocupado - no quería dejar de su perrera. Ahora, le gusta correr en la casa, tirar sus juguetes. A veces, casi parece una perrita que ha vivido con nuestro familia toda su vida. 


She still won't wander further than the living room, she still won't approach you completely (she'll come really close, though). She still runs away if you look at her, and she won't eat if you watch. She sometimes cries when she sleeps, and today she had her stuffed animals pulled up to her side like they were going to nurse.

Todavía no explorará toda la casa. También no se acercará a mi completamente. Si la miras, correrá a su cama. No comerá con gente en el cuarto. Tiene pesadillas y llora en su sueño...y piensa que sus juguetes son bebés y intenta amamantarlos.

Heartbreaking, beautiful little champion. She's the poster-child for resilience.
She's also the poster child for stubbornness; last night I made her kibble-cakes a slightly different way and she wouldn't eat them. This morning I made them the normal way and she was fine again.

Rompe mi corazón, mi hermosa y pequeña campeona; el ejemplo perfecto de fuerza.
Y resistencia - anoche cociné sus pancakes en una manera diferente y Rosa no los comió. Esta mañana los hice "normalmente" y no tiene problemas

Little princess.

I am continuously surprised and inspired by how much this little dog can teach me - about the world, and about myself. Sometimes we think we're the ones doing the rescuing, but I know all to well that it works the other way around.

Estoy sorprendida y inspirado por las cosas que Rosa me ha enseñado - sobre el mundo, sobre mí misma. A veces, pensamos que estamos rescatando los animales....pero en este caso...estoy segura que Rosa me esta rescatando.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sweet and so true <3