Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tag, You're It.

I have a problem with blog writing which is: I always want to write about something deep. Something profound. I want to make a challenge to the world. I want to explore a topic until I've reached all its corners and divulged all its secrets.

So, the problem? Public blogs make that difficult. How can I provide a true, completely and totally heartfelt account of something without the fear of judgement on a blog so public? How can I broach any topic without people feeling as though it is somehow directed at them, or an attack of their character, beliefs, eating habits, exercise regimens, preferred types of cheeses?

I mean, let me be frank: I understand that I'm not so deep as to be able to write an earth shaking blog post every day, but I feel like I keep things 'shallow' because I'm afraid of letting everyone know what's really beneath this surface...this bubbly exterior that's truly boiling underneath.

A dear friend of mine recently asked me what my purpose of creating a blog was, and in talking to him I recognized that I'd abandoned the true purpose of this blog. Not that it's not fun to visit and write silly things in for people to read and all....I'm just a little sad that I've lost yet another 'outlet' to the public by way of full disclosure.

I truly believe that some things should remain anonymous (note that I said 'anonymous' and not 'private'). So, maybe I should take a hint from a flicker of a friend of mine and create a new place to write - a place without my name stuck to it. A place where I can have those free-flowing thoughts, in a space where I can share them, without fear of my character being judged for them.

I know where I'll be.

All you have to do is find me.

1 comment:

Jake and Danica said...

you wouldn't have it in you to tell me, would you?