Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Life is moving on...and I don't think I like it.

I'm only 21, but sometimes I feel much older. The majority of my friends are engaged, married and/or have children.

When I go through their photos I see how happy they are... and I am happy for them! I truly am... but it causes me to reflect a little on myself.

If they are 21 years old with 2 kids... am I doing something wrong? I mean, almost all of my friends didn't make it passed 20 years old without getting engaged/married.

Someone told me that I'm 2 million in Mormon years. That sucks.

On one note, I'm glad I'm not a mom right now. I've got school and goals to finish and a child would hinder a lot of that. I definitely want kids in the future, but I feel pressure to "get on with it" - to get married, to get babies...

Marriage is something that I do feel ready for though. Just putting that out there. I feel like if I keep refusing to acknowledge my desire to be married that it will just go away. I mean... I'm really excited for that day... I just wish I knew when it would be.


I'm sure glad no one reads this.